
Monday 21 March 2016


Stricken by fear, 
Stripped of love, 
Gasping for air, 
Like never before. 
I seem alright on the outside, 
But am choked up within me, 
By noises, 
Strange sounds I must say, 
Unfamiliar I might have called them,
But for the syllables that seem striking. 
Now where is all these coming from? 
I thought I was over all that, 
I thought  I scaled through, 
I thought I  prevailed! 
Was it all a facade? 
But no, it can't be... NO!!! 
It felt too real to be untrue, 
Even an illusion will eventually unfold, 
But here,  there was never a reason to doubt,
There wasnt... 
Not until NOW! 
The echoes of my horrid past, 
Leaving a sudden trail in my heart, 
Causing me to quiver when i sleep at night, 
Making me doubt all i thought was right, 
How did I find myself in this hot pot of dilemma, 
Leaving me closed up like a bottle of cocacola, 
But no this is wrong altogether, 
My reality should not be submerged by shadows, 
My happiness should not be rubbished by mere echoes, 
My now should not be affected by my then, 
My past should not mess with my present, 
Because my past has been wiped off by the greatest stain eraser, 
The blood of One who was without blemish, 
That same One has been residing within me, 
The only One  who does not judge me by my past,  
He wiped off my past and gave me a fresh start, 
Thus, even my past has no right over my life. 
Yes I said it! I feel much better now on the inside, 
He who did this for me can do same for you, 
His name is Jesus,  have you met Him? 
                  - Jesunifemi Grace 

Friday 18 March 2016

RELATIONSHIP WITHOUT DRAMA (exclusively for guys and any lady who wants to change before the strike-back)

My perception about relationships has always been the same with how I saw cake and ice cream.
I never knew how it was made or the stress involved in making one. Thanks to technology, things are easier on the cake side of life, but I was left wondering what could be done to make relationships work better. Well if ladies thought like men, there would be less of the issue that results to fight in every real relationship. Anyway, I won't be making wishes  here now that I have solutions.

It didn't take me long to understand that women had a different way of communicating in relationships other than
 the usual oral communication technique. Maybe it did take me long. I always thought my first girlfriend was way too opinionated. The second one was too emotional. I still
couldn't put the pieces together when the third one who was quite normal seemed unstable. She loved me and thought I was
amazing one day and few days later I might not know how to find her. Moving on to the fourth, you might fall under the  impression that my self-perceived awesomeness gives me liberty to move on from relationships whenever I want. Don't hate the guy, not yet. The fourth was more of a fan than an admirer at first. From the first time we talked, she didn't stay a day without seeing me and I felt cool in one way, frustrated in another. She asked me out and even though I didn't feel the way she felt at that time, we got things rolling.
As time went on, seeds became plants and plants became trees,
  I became more emotional with her. Just like chelsea waiting for a prolonged arsenal attack only to start a counter attack, she started to withdraw hoping that I'll follow.
Knowing I was getting to like her more, she wanted to win the game. A game I didn't know I was playing. However uncharacteristic of me, I did follow for a while. Then I called myself to order when it seemed to me like she didn't love me anymore. I tried to breakup, and she had no hiccup about it, only for her to come after about two months accusing me of cheating on her when obviously I had moved on.
I don't like to look back, I never did and now wasn't going to be an anomaly. You'll figure that by now I should understand the pattern, summarize my comprehension and give the story a name. Drama queens.
But I was just a guy that thought like a guy and acted  accordingly. It took me one more girlfriend to think like a woman and act like a man. Now I understood that life wasn't what I wished it was. Life is what I can make out of my reality.
If my previous girlfriends were drama queens, the fifth one... Well I don't have a name for her yet, but I know she was ten times whatever all my previous girlfriends were.  She's a baby today when you need her to understand you and she's not willing to. Tomorrow she's yo mama when you can't understand her 'simple' needs. Then slowly and surely, I got to understand that ladies can't be separated from drama but I was already with the most dramatic one the world has seen.
I attempted breakup many times when I couldn't cope, until I stumbled upon the breakthrough idea.
This idea which has worked for the worst of them would have worked for anyone of them if my information was prior to my  experience. I would call it "getting even".
 To the guys out there reading this piece, I have an advice or two.
Don't hate your lady for her dramas. Just learn how her system works and play the game with her. To win a battle, you must first engage in it.
No relationship does not have drama tendencies. It is how the drama is managed that determines how well you'll cope or if
you will at all.
Learn the game. Like football, for every Barcelona there is a Chelsea, understand the pattern and use it to your advantage.
I came to understand that ladies want to win a battle that started in their minds due to mostly unnecessary ambition  like manipulation and dudes although not interested in such domestic war will have to adapt.
 In my subsequent post, I would talk about crisis control, understanding the game, creating a pattern, breaking thatpattern and choosing the right partner among some other easy techniques we could use depending on the type of lady we are
involved with and the situation on ground. I'm just a guy who has not seen it all, but has seen enough and had just enough.
  Till then.

     Victoria Concordia Crescit
      - Abe Oluwatomiwa Ayodeji

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