
Tuesday 27 June 2017


So here is this amazing poem written by this amazing friend. Enjoy!!!


Come up hither thou Sons
Elohim calls out to you
Come and see things brighter than the sun
Things that existed before you were born

The Spirit calls to you O daughter
If only you knew the chariots are yours
And the morning waits for the words you utter
O daughter come up hither!

There is a realm where the sun is the dimmest light!
Where the clouds are solid ground
Where there is no pain or suffering in sight
Where all battles are won, no need to fight

"Oh if you knew!", Elohim cries
That you don't need to die to see the heavens
O daughter, Zion calls to your eyes
You wear God's armor, Can you not see that you and God are the same size?

There is a path for you Son
Angels are not permitted to walk there
If only you knew that the time you were born
Was not the time that you were created

O come thou Children of the Most High
Zion welcomes you with rejoicing
The Angels welcome you with a cry
O come Sons as WE ASCEND on High

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