Friday 27 March 2015


Hey people! If u check my last post, u will notice I was saying some things about marriage ryt? Yes
Don't mind me, this second part was meant to come earlier buh i guess have been distracted plus i was having some admin issues with my blog but I'm back now and it feels so good to be back:)
Well here is it; Before you say "I Do"
 We mentioned two major factors that constitute marriage namely :
Maturity and Consent.
We discussed about maturity in the last post so we are going to be talking about consent and other important factors.
Marriage is all about consent;
Not just parental consent, but it includes
the consent to share the rest of your life with someone else;
The consent to leave your parents to live under the roof of another man or woman;
The consent to start up a new life and create your family;
The consent to submit your body, your heart and sometimes, your will to another...
It goes on and on like that;
This is why one just has to be carefully selective as to who the lucky guy or girl will be;
You are giving up and giving in a whole lot here;
You have the right to make it personal;
Don't let your parents or friends choose for you;
they should only influence your choice postively;
At the end of the day, only you and you alone is getting married ;
And if you make the wrong choice, whenth bomb finally explodes, only you will get burnt, not them;
So know what you are going into before stepping your feet;
If not, you will be trapped for life;
Because it is "for better for worse...till death do us part"
And y'all know divorce is not an option for Christians;
Well, on a lighter note, just as it is easy to  choose the wrong partner, it is also easy to know the right one;
Like i said earlier, the very first step is knowing what you want for yourself;
Know the kind of marriage you desire to have;
then identify the qualities you would love to see in your spouse;
After these, the next is to WATCH and PRAY;
People can be very deceitful and can put up all kinds of appearance to get what they want;
So you have to pray and pray hard that you don't fall for the wrong person;
Because the greatest mistake i feel anyone can make is marrying the wrong person;
That's just the greatest failure for me;
Things might be going on smooth at the beginning, but after some time,
it becomes hell on earth;
I don't know about you but as for me,
I would rather enjoy my marriage than endure it;
Guys! don't go for looks because beauty fades;
Girls! don't go for wealth because u don't know what will happen tomorrow;
Go for someone that has that unique quality that you are searching for in a man or a woman;
There should be that one thing that distinguishes that man or woman from all the others you've ever met;
Something more permanent, more real, someone that makes you smile even when nothing is working out for you;
because it takes only a smile to make a dark day turn bright;
Everyone has that special someone;
I mean someone's rib is still missing out there;
You just have to look in the right places and find your perfect match.
Wishing you the very best of God's blessings!

Thursday 5 March 2015


  Hi guys! Ok we are going to be talking about something interesting today which is Marriage; Before you say "I DO"...
Marriage is the union of two mature adults who have consented to spend the rest of their lives together .
From the above working definition, there are two major factors to take note of:
1) The man and woman must be mature
2) There must be consent.
Marriage is one of the most important institutions in life as everyone desires to settle down and get married one day.
However, it is so painful that these days, Marriage has been reduced to a mere paper contract;
Many people just rush into marriage like it's some ball game;
Not bearing in mind that it is "till death do us part"
This is why the rate of divorce is increasing rapidly;
Unlike other relationships, marriage is a more serious deal;
You have to be absolutely sure that you will be able to spend the rest of your life with this guy or lady you want to get married to,
Like i said earlier, there are 2 major factors.
First, maturity. Maturity in this context doesn't just connote physical maturity but entails also moral, spiritual, mental and financial maturity.
Your partner must be mature in every aspect of life because no guy wants a crybaby or a dull lady for a wife;
Similarly, no lady wants a mama's boy for a husband;
We all want partners that will handle the relationship maturely with minimal or no intrusion from a third party.
Talking about financial maturity, guys, you can't say you are ready to get married if you don't  have a steady source of income;
I know nowadays most guys have the impression that ladies are all about the money, but leaving the area of regular dating, the fact is no lady will go into marriage with a guy that cannot take care of her needs and that of the children when they start coming;
Although ladies, money shouldn't be your ultimate criterium, once the guy has a stable job and you are both comfortable, then go for it.
I know we all have our diverse standards and criteria when it comes to choosing our life partners but we should be careful to ensure that we are not too vain in setting our standards, especially we ladies;
Guys will always do what they have to do to woo a lady so you have to watch and pray that you don't make the wrong choice;
To the teens and youths, it's not too early to start praying for your dream man or woman, infact, the earlier, the better but you also have to know what you want because if you can't define what you really want, the right one may slip away while you are busy chasing shadows;
Like the common adage which says :       "Charity begins at home";
We are all looking for MR or MRS RIGHT, but have we actually made ourselves the right one for someone else?
We have to start working on our shortcomings and begin to develop ourselves for the future;
To the ladies, above beauty and figure, when a guy truly wants to settle down, he looks at CHARACTER;
Most guys can't put up with a lady with bad attitude or character so watch yourself;
To the guys, above wealth and looks, a smart lady looks at MATURITY;
No lady wants an immature, carefree dude for a husband who talks or acts anyhow;
Ladies like cool, calm and collected guys;
So there is work to do for both the ladies and the men if you want to have that perfect marriage you have always been dreaming of;
Though i must warn you, no marriage is perfect but it can be close to perfect...
I can't possibly fit in all I have to say on marriage in just one post so watch out for the next part of  BEFORE YOU SAY "I DO".
Comment are well appreciated. Thank you.