Friday 27 March 2015


Hey people! If u check my last post, u will notice I was saying some things about marriage ryt? Yes
Don't mind me, this second part was meant to come earlier buh i guess have been distracted plus i was having some admin issues with my blog but I'm back now and it feels so good to be back:)
Well here is it; Before you say "I Do"
 We mentioned two major factors that constitute marriage namely :
Maturity and Consent.
We discussed about maturity in the last post so we are going to be talking about consent and other important factors.
Marriage is all about consent;
Not just parental consent, but it includes
the consent to share the rest of your life with someone else;
The consent to leave your parents to live under the roof of another man or woman;
The consent to start up a new life and create your family;
The consent to submit your body, your heart and sometimes, your will to another...
It goes on and on like that;
This is why one just has to be carefully selective as to who the lucky guy or girl will be;
You are giving up and giving in a whole lot here;
You have the right to make it personal;
Don't let your parents or friends choose for you;
they should only influence your choice postively;
At the end of the day, only you and you alone is getting married ;
And if you make the wrong choice, whenth bomb finally explodes, only you will get burnt, not them;
So know what you are going into before stepping your feet;
If not, you will be trapped for life;
Because it is "for better for worse...till death do us part"
And y'all know divorce is not an option for Christians;
Well, on a lighter note, just as it is easy to  choose the wrong partner, it is also easy to know the right one;
Like i said earlier, the very first step is knowing what you want for yourself;
Know the kind of marriage you desire to have;
then identify the qualities you would love to see in your spouse;
After these, the next is to WATCH and PRAY;
People can be very deceitful and can put up all kinds of appearance to get what they want;
So you have to pray and pray hard that you don't fall for the wrong person;
Because the greatest mistake i feel anyone can make is marrying the wrong person;
That's just the greatest failure for me;
Things might be going on smooth at the beginning, but after some time,
it becomes hell on earth;
I don't know about you but as for me,
I would rather enjoy my marriage than endure it;
Guys! don't go for looks because beauty fades;
Girls! don't go for wealth because u don't know what will happen tomorrow;
Go for someone that has that unique quality that you are searching for in a man or a woman;
There should be that one thing that distinguishes that man or woman from all the others you've ever met;
Something more permanent, more real, someone that makes you smile even when nothing is working out for you;
because it takes only a smile to make a dark day turn bright;
Everyone has that special someone;
I mean someone's rib is still missing out there;
You just have to look in the right places and find your perfect match.
Wishing you the very best of God's blessings!

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