Friday 31 March 2017


I would love to say from that moment on we became best friends but that would be a lie. While I did like Ben, his parents lack of concern about PG ratings and his collection of corny horror movies, I knew from the get-go that being his friend would lead to complications. I am a simple man. Movies, food and an internet connection would keep me happy for about as long as can be. I am generally averse to anything that would interrupt the peace and quiet of my life and after that first afternoon with Ben, I was sure those sweet nothing-filled days were coming to an end.

Ben was the typical igbo boy, fair skin, light brown eyes and a head full of dark hair with sideburns to match. Although we were the same age, he was always a bit on the heavy side. After middle school, Ben got into field athletics: shot put, javelin and hammer throw. He was good at it because he was strong like a cow and had the lack of focus to match. His entire pre-competition prep was making sure he knew where to aim the shot. Other would practice their technique while Ben would eat a half bunch of bananas, memorise the field and nod thoughtfully at anything his posse (i.e. me) would have to say.
“Okay Ben, you got to keep your elbow up. For the follow-through you know? Get all the height you can. And don’t aim at any people”
“Uhun. i got it”
“Really? Because that’s what you said last time and you beaned Mr Okoro in the leg from 50 yards out. So one more time just for posterity, remember that you don’t get extra points for hitting the man with the tape rule”
“I dont?” he replied with an incredulous expression on his face “So why does he wear red? Like a a bonus target?”
“Not a bonus target you sweet stupid boy. He wears red precisely so no one would throw something at him.”
After nearly a minute’s consideration, he replied “Well its a stupid rule.”
“That may well be but it doesn't change the fact that you don’t aim for Mr Okoro. And also stop eating the peel, you look ridiculous”
“But I heard its a great source of potassium.”
“The banana is! Not the peel Benji”
“But isn’t the peel part of the banana? You know for all your smart talk, you sure are dumb Luck”
And with that he would stand up, pat my shoulder like I was a “special” kid and walk out of the preparation tent.

I would always watch his matches from the north side of the field because it gave the perfect view of the throwing fields and the emergency exits. This may seem paranoid to you but after 3 years of being Benji’s friend, it was prudent information to have. I could see Benji talking to a couple of cheerleaders while waiting for his turn to throw chunks of metal through the air. I took the time left to me to regard my progress in the gym in the reflection of the mirrored glass in the office window next to me. I was still a couple inches shorter than him. At 5”7” and 157 pound I didn’t think that was too shabby. I was still a long way off the greek statue physique I would have liked to have but thankfully far from the soft pudgy child I was. The low-cut fade with the obscure rock band t-shirt, steel rings glittering on my fingers, black steel frame glasses and my favourite pair of vans on my feet, I looked like a nerdy punk rock biker. I liked the sound of that and resolved to update my instagram bio. The sound of gravel crunching behind me startled me into turning around and straight into the right haymaker of Funsho Ibitoye. While Benji was big he was far from the biggest in Caleb College, that honour would go to the neanderthal in front of me. Funsho was a startling 6”3” with a near-constant 5 o’clock shadow around his ridiculously supervillain-like chin. Funsho wasn’t your typical bully in the sense that he wasn’t some cowardly boy who didn't get enough love as kid who handled it by lashing out. I remember the last kid who suggested that to his face, his teeth flew like popcorn from a dropped bag. Funsho whooped his ass like a father to a disrespectful child which ironically enough was how he viewed the rest of the school population. He believed he was better than everyone and was apparently not scared of getting expelled which would honestly never happen as his father was a major donor and sat on the school board. All this ran through my head like a wikipedia entry as his fist smashed into my face and threw me to the ground. From previous experience, I knew it was easier to stay on the ground rather than lash out.
“Ooowwwww. Good evening Funsho, did you want something?” “You know what I want Lucky boy. Hand over those nice shiny rings and I can be on my way”
“That’s it? That’s all you wanted? Why didn’t you just ask?” “I’m detecting a hint of impertinence in your tone but i’ll overlook it for now. I hit you simply because Fred here reminded me that I haven’t laid hands on you in almost a year and because of that you’ve started weight training to take me on?”
I peered around Funsho’s considerable bulk to the weasel that was Frederick Yakubu. His small beady eyes looked on in malice and glee at my apparent downtrodden state.
“Well no offense Funsho but you’re like a building with feet. No amount of training would make me comfortable about taking you on. And Frederick is a malicious little moron with delusions of grandeur. You want the rings? Take them.”
Getting painfully to my feet, I tugged the rings off my fingers and placed them in Funsho’s outstretched palm. Without warning and no noticeable change in his demeanour, Funsho swung his other fist behind him and hit Frederick square in the temple. Poor Freddie had no chance, he dropped like a sack of potatoes.
“Despite what the general consensus may be, I’m not some mindless brute. As long as everyone knows their respective lanes and pays due homage, all will be well.”
“Yeah well my jaw begs to differ”
Funsho’s booming laugh hit me like another punch “For what it's worth, I didn’t want to hit you. But your ego had to be checked. Well now you’ve learnt your place, there’s no need for further violence. Am I not a generous ruler?”
Still laughing he walked off and the rest of his goons picked up Fred and followed like obedient puppies.
I leaned against the window, closed my eyes and worked my jaw back and forth to loosen it and hopefully prevent swelling. As I was trying to determine if I heard my jaw click or not, I felt a shadow across my face.
“Look Funsho, I dont have anymore rings” “Why do you keep letting him do that to you?”
Hearing the calm in Benji’s voice immediately pulled all the tension back into my body.
“Look Benji, it's fine okay? This way is better for everyone and see its not even a problem”
As I was talking I pulled an identical set of rings from my back pocket and shuffled closer to block Benji’s view of Funsho sitting on the stands  behind him.
“ I always buy more than one set for stuff like this. And pain is an old friend so never mind it okay?”
“You could take him. Like you did David in JSS 3…”
I flinched at the name of the boy whose life I ruined. I had to pause for a while to regain my composure.
“No” I said softly “I won’t do that. Never again”. I stuck the new rings on my fingers and walked towards the car park. With an audible sigh, Benji fell into step beside me.
“How was the competition? Did you break your record?”
“Yup” He beamed proudly but his face fell immediately after “I couldn’t get the bonus points. There was a man in yellow this time and he was so quick! I threw three times but only clipped his heel once”
I looked at the great daft lummox, sighed and put my arm around his shoulder
‘You’ll get him next time buddy”

Written by :
Osawemde Edokpolor

Saturday 25 March 2017


Hello dear readers and guests! Today we are going to be talking about a sensitive subject that is fast becoming a trend : DEPRESSION
First of, let me erase the myth that Depression is only for the whites(oyinbo people). This is a fallacy, anyone can be a victim! Your neighbor, kid, sibling, classmate, parent, that weird boy on the street, that aunty that is always frowning, etc.
Depression is a form of deterioration in mental health. It is a sad feeling of gloom and inadequacy. Depression drains energy, hope and drive, making it difficult to do what you need to do to feel better and it is more worrying because people around don't seem to notice until it becomes manifest in form of suicidal attempts or physical breakdown.

Psychological traumas, if not properly attended to by counselling can lead to growing depression.  Every human being has latent depressive symptoms, our drive to life and to achieve which is our greatest strength is also the source of our greatest pain. Lack of achievement brings lack of fulfillment, lack of peace and thus Depression.

Over thinking can also lead to Depression. Those that over worry or over process things tend to get depressed because they keep replaying their failures and regrets in their minds. It's like a circle they cannot break out from and this leads to Depression.

Victims of Depression often feel like the whole world is against them. Nobody cares, nobody understands, nobody sees nor hear them. They feel invisible, inferior and inadequate, some due to past horrible experiences and others due to negative thoughts.

Depression is a psychological issue and because of this,it is not easy to identify at its early stage. So many depressed victims go about smiling and acting normal because they have developed what I would term an ADAPTATION TECHNIQUE. They put up an act while in the midst of people but once they are alone, they feel lonely and dejected all over again. A good example of such is the great comedian, Robin Williams. He was a succeed actor, made people laugh, had loads of money, had a good life but was seriously depressed to the extent of taking his own life. This goes to show that Depression cannot be cured by mundane things like wealth and fame.

The worst set are those people who are in DENIAL STAGE; they are depressed but don't realize it or they do not want to admit it. They vent out their anger or depression by being unnecessarily fussy or mean or by bringing others down. They are always in a bad mood. Hope and faith are the greatest cure to Depression.

How Can We Identify People Suffering From Depression?
The general common symptoms include:
Ø   Isolation and Avoidance; withdrawal from the public

Ø  Loneliness (wanting to be alone)

Ø  Addiction (to drug or sex or a habit)

Ø  Sudden change of attitude or mentality

Ø   Lack of interest.

Ø  The Cage – you feel trapped inside yourself,see yourself as disgusting, helpless and worthless

Ø  Self destructive signs; wanting to harm yourself or inflict injury.

These are just few out of many.

Of course we have physical and medical drugs to help reduce Depression called AntiDepressants but these have their side effects when over used.
The greatest cure to Depression is LOVE. 

We cannot always know or tell when someone is depressed but if we are always nice to everyone we meet, friends or not, whether we like their faces or not, then we can help them overcome it. Some people just make cutting remarks or hurtful comments without caring about how the other party feels. Your words can either destroy or save. It may be a simple genuine loving compliment that you would give to a depressed victim that would save him from committing suicide, conversely, your hurtful words can also be the last straw that would break the camel's back. How would you feel if they tell you the person you were so mean to the day before just took an overdose and died? We should think carefully before we talk. It costs us nothing to show kindness and love.
Your love should not be SUBJECTIVE; for a selected few only then the others can rot. You have no clue what the person next to you is going through. Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Show love to ALL.

To really reduce this rate of Depression, we all have a role to play. That friend you have not heard from in a while, have you called him or her? When last have you visited your loved ones? Social media has taken the place of actual face-time friendships. Love is all we need.
And if you are reading this right now and you are actually going through Depression or you are seeing tendencies, you often sink into a sad and lonseome mood, you think and worry a lot, feel inferior, feel no one cares or understands? You are not alone dear. Here are few things you can do to overcome it:
1) Reach out and stay connected to supportive people. When going through Depression, you tend to withdraw and push people away but just try and reach out to people. Talk to someone, anybody. If talking to a stranger will make you feel more comfortable, then see a counselor.

2) Do things that make you feel good even when you don't feel like it.
3) Decongest. Stop over worrying or overthinking . You are beautiful just the way you are.
3) Read good positive motivational books that would help boost your self esteem.
4) Go out often. Take a walk,go to places and social events.
5) Challenge negative thoughts. The world is not against you.
6) Find a new hobby. Look for new interests. Spark up new flames.
7) Meditation is a great therapy. Whenever you get the feeling of loneliness, rejection and dejection, just pray. Talk to God because He truly understands and know exactly what you're passing through. The word of God also helps to restore your confidence and joy.

So dear friend, you are not alone. Here are some commentaries from live victims of Depression that have overcome it:

"I can trace the beginning of my depression back to my junior secondary school. I had never felt the absence of my parents before then because I had a very loving grandma. Going to boarding school faraway in ile-ife changed that. I got no visits from family and my parents and my brother were abroad. I had a guardian that showed me as much love as I could ask, but you're not allowed to 'keep' them in school. I was often bullied by verbal abuses and mocked by classmates and seniors. They knew my parents and sibling were abroad and I was the only one in the nuclear family left in Nigeria, so they'd often say I'm adopted or too ugly to be taken along, or that my parents were ashamed of me. I was about 10-11 and this continued through out my junior secondary school. My dad used to come home every now and then but his idea of how love should be shown wasn't my expectation of what love could be like. I had a lower pocket money and often smaller provisions than my colleagues, so I was often mocked for living less than people that didn't even have relatives abroad. As the words continued I started believing them myself, wondering if my parents cared of of I was adopted. I started to feel unwanted and uncared for, like a liability. I was forced to live with an aunty I disliked because she was strict and 'liked' beating me. For most of my teenage years I couldn't go out to visit friends, the one time I tried I was beaten to stupor. By then everything just felt like I was mistreated or abused. Maybe I wasn't, but the way my mind had been conditioned made everything seem that way. I saw myself as low as a house help in my aunt's house, I cooked, washed the dishes, washed the clothes, swept, all that. I saw how they treated their children and it made me feel like I never had that kind of treatment. I never got the kind of attention or love I wanted. I just wish my parents would have told me why they were so faraway, call me saying they missed me and wished I was with them, and ask about how I'm doing, what I want and all that. There was no one to talk to when I was happy, no one to talk to when I was sad, No one to make me feel happy. I had brief moments of liberation on social media. Talking to unknown people and building relationships with people I had never met, the moment I met someone who understood how I felt and felt sympathy for me I attached to them, unwilling to let go. That was the first time I felt like I mattered. I attached my worth to twitter followers, retweets, and shoutouts. I mattered there so it became an addiction. I would say things, do things, lie, fake, just for the attention, because this was what I lacked all my life. Friendship, communication, relationship, attention and acceptance from the right people. I don't know when I stopped being depressed, probably a year after I got into the university. I had made friends like me, I was talking to my mum more and was getting money directly from my dad. I no longer needed social media to feel like I mattered, I had people to show me that in real life, I had my first real girlfriend in the university, and it felt like she was the first real person to accept me. I'm grown up now and I understand why my parents couldn't take me and what all the situations in my life had been about. So the foundation for my depression has been broken. What caused my depression was lack of communication, feeling of rejection and unimportance, lack of the proper attention and miscommunication of love. Now I communicate effectively with my parents, I know their intentions, I've influenced lives so I know I'm important, I've built deep relationships and friendships, so I don't feel rejected, and now I understand love the way my parents speak it, ignoring how I expect it to be spoken, so I know I'm loved".
               - Olalekan Micheal     

"Hello friend,
It's been a while. I see your smile has faded and your strength is waning. Yeah, I can see it even though you try to mask it with a grin and forced dance. I see through your act and I understand.
I know because I have been there and on occasion I visit.
But today I smile because I have found joy to last for days and enjoy the nights. So Take my hand, friend. Let me show how much joy God wants you to have.
You see, your mind has convinced you that you are all alone and no one cares about. But that's not true. Jesus counts you so worthy that He emptied the vaults of his empire to purchase you from death and despair. So please let go of the weight you are carrying. You are not alone. Sing and make melody in your heart. Rejoice, shout and dance and Watch as your brain cells get infused with supernatural joy. A joy that is not determined by the things around you. This joy is in the Jesus and Jesus is in you. Simply believe. Stop listening to the devil's lies”.
                  -  Dami

Thanks for reading this long but worthwhile post. Please share with as many as you think would need this, you just might save a life! If you would like to share your experience with us and inspire others on how to overcome Depression, feel free to comment below in the comment section or send us a mail at you can also join the movement by  following our IG Page @_purplenigma_ as we will be having a series on this topic for the next one week. Shalom!

Written and Compiled by : 
Ogundipe Jesunifemi


Friday 24 March 2017


As the flashing silver sword rammed into my chest, the only thing I could think about how much I hated broccoli. Now i’m pretty sure that’s the weirdest statement you’ve heard in awhile but bear with me for a moment, where is the rule that a near-death experience must have some cliche flashback of your entire life? Considering that I was just a 16 year old kid with no real skills, no life experience and average at best on FIFA, I had no real reference point with which to determine an appropriate reaction. So forgive me. Or don’t. I don’t much care anymore. But seeing as how you’re here, I may as well tell you why I’m about to die.

This is a bad story and all bad stories in my life usually start with Ben. Chisom Benjamin Okehi, Ben to anyone who knew him was charming, funny, my best friend and the bane of my existence. Very dramatic huh? Well trust me, if you were me, you’d know Ben had earned that name a thousand times over. Ben has that easy smile that makes so many friends and a floating mind that would happily depart for the heavens (both metaphorically and literally) if I wasn’t around to keep him grounded. People said we were such good friends because Ben was a ship’s engine and I was the anchor. That’s a delightful sentiment to teach a 10 year old right? Sigh. Sorry. I’m getting sidetracked with all these negative emotions because of the impending death and all. Let’s start again…

I woke up last week Wednesday and immediately decided that i wasn’t going to school. There are some days when the sun is at the perfect temperature, warm and inviting, when sky is so blue and clear it stretches into eternity. The cloud so white and puffy, bringing light and pleasant thoughts, the mouth-watering smell of pancakes and sizzling bacon drifting up the stairs. This was too good a day to spend with those heathens at school. I got my phone and texted Ben that school was a no-go for me today. The reply came three seconds later, “Ayy bro. I’m coming to yours for breakfast. Boot up the playstation”. No questions, just simple loyalty. Ben could be a treasure sometimes. I headed downstairs to appease the powers that be namely my older sister Millie. Millie isn’t your typical edo name which is fine because Millie was no typical edo girl. She was a critical part of a team that discovered the origin of the broken symmetry which predicts the existence of at least three families of quarks in nature. She won a Nobel prize for that. Don’t ask me what a quark is, I memorised that from her Wikipedia page so I’d have something to tell strangers who asked about her. You guys who think your siblings are perfect got it easy. Not only did my parents think she was perfect, the smartest minds on the planet agreed with them. You’d think she would be a pain right? Well you’d be wrong. She was an absolute angel. My confidant. My first partner-in-crime. Yes she was a genius but she was a better sister. As I walked into the kitchen, I heard her yelling on her phone in Japanese. I snagged a piece of bacon and watched the 5”3” tornado that was my big sister go to work. 
“Iiwake shinai! Anata wa ima kore o shūsei suru!” 
Which loosely translated to “fix this or I put my foot up your ass buddy”. Ben came in through the backdoor and hi-fived my sister as she left the kitchen to head into the study all the while alternating between two languages and nibbling from the plate of pancakes balanced on her forearm. He cuffed the side of my head while grabbing for the plate full of bacon. “What's good son”
“Everything b. Tis a glorious day to live and let live”
“Oh man. Please tell me you didn't watch Perks of Being a Wallflower again”
“It is such a good film!”
“That may be but it definitely gets you in this weird globalsexual mood”
“What's wrong with loving the world?”
“Nothing if you’re a character in a tv show but real life isn’t all that fluffy”
At this he adopted a solemn look which was somewhat spoiled by the streaks of maple syrup around his mouth and bare chest..
“Duuuude. Don’t drink it out the bottle. Why would you even- you know what? I won’t do this. Nope I won’t let you get to me. Not today Satan”
At this I grabbed the a plate of food and headed into the sitting room to watch a low grade horror movie I downloaded last night. Horror movies are arguably the best thing to happen to this planet (after Jesus and plantain) which was something Bob had in common with me. That’s probably why we became friends. We bonded over a carton of 80’s horror flicks that his grandfather cleared out of his old house. He had a yard sale when we were 13 and went to the same secondary school. Caleb College which was somehow more terrifying than every high school story ever. So there I was, this sullen dark haired kid, kicking rocks at this stupid yard sale I was dragged to so my father could look at old coins. He was this uber nerd who had a collection of civil war coins and money. Everyone in my family knew he was a dork but we all loved him so we didn’t care. And then I spotted the water-stained carton and the treasures inside it. I was sorting through the box when a glob of jam fell on a pristine copy of “The Shining”. I looked up into the face of the boy I would later call my brother and asked as calmly as I could
“What the hell is wrong with you?”
“I stubbed my toe earlier this week but its better now. And also there is this weird thing growing under my left arm…”
“Wait. What? What are you talking about?” “You asked what was wrong…”
“ I meant why are you pouring sugary snacks on cinematic classics?”
“Oh.” Peering down with an especially blank look on his face, he noticed that the end of the sandwich he was holding was leaking all over the box.
“Sorry about that” he said. “There’s wipes in the kitchen. And a tv so we can watch it.”
“Are you sure your parents will allow us watch it here? It is supposed to be scary”
“Issokay. There’s also a great big frying pan that I can use to protect us”. With that he made a cross on my forehead with the jam on his fingers, licked said fingers and strutted towards the kitchen.
“But- but, that’s now even what…did you say frying pan?..It’s the blood and gore not real monsters..” This was the first time that Ben’s special brand of idiocy would stump me, but as i walked along behind him I had a feeling it would not be the last.

The story continues....kindly subscribe to posts for daily updates. Thank you!

Written by :
Ede Osa-Edokpolor


Thursday 16 March 2017


DubiousGambol - Episode 1

Gently ease into the silence, and feel these two run to; and away from, the other. Have you ever gambled the very thing you care about the most, allowing whatever it is be a wager between you and yourself for an alter ego?

It was just around the corner – where pursued frantically, she ran 'as if' her moment depended on it, she gave no regard to anyone besides herself. She needed to escape – escape the lies; the deceit; everything she thought she had. She picked up her pace and looked forward until she got to wherever she identified as safe.

He was relentless. He chased after her - jumping, scaling and swerving around every obstacle in his way. She was his target – as he struggled to beat the head start, there was nothing he wanted more than to stop her on that trail and put all that energy from running into understanding. He was oblivious however to the fact that he was the threat.

As the dust trailed after them and covered their tracks, it’s hard to tell exactly where they started.

It’s hard to understand Trust without being subjective. Ideally, it’s her peculiar view to her understanding and his peculiar view to his understanding. It’s hard for her to understand him from his reality and hard for him to understand her from her reality. Trust at times requires one to be selfless but it's hard to care less about yourself consciously. In the end, those insecurities never do remain quiet.

There they were in their own skies, the heights of a passion you cannot simply call emotion - everything utterly beautiful and satisfying at gander, but he was in doubt.

For him: He was convinced this was the time and place to prove to her, and show her how much. There was no other thought more well-thought than this. It was visible to him that there in the sky as she held on to him, her entire life depended on that hold. Right there he asked in a way that can stupefy.

“do you trust me?”

She listened to reply quickly in the intimate moment and not at all understand the reality she faced.

Right after she responded "yes" - in a most subtle tone, the decision was made to let her go. She fell from the sky as gravity possessed her and freely got intimate. It was hard to utter a single word; she went right through the clouds lost for words and screaming loud as gravity took her for the ride of her life, going down conveniently as the winds itself stole her words right from her lips.

He left her for gravity to take a different toll on her.

Right there he was filled with determination – right before she hit the waters below, he caught up with her and grabbed her by the heel, he wanted to protect every part of her – but gravity got its trophy. As he saw right there, that one tear drop into the water below. He was certain he had lost something.

For her: She was treated that way because she was in her comfort zone, she never expected or wanted to be dropped in the first place. She wondered what he did - all the time gravity was all over her; was he looking for an angel to replace her? Regardless, she fell and now time is unaccounted for. She just never thought she could have been dropped in the first place. As she blamed herself, the next thing she wanted - was to get far away from him. So, she ran.

As he chased after her and whispered “Hey,” she kept running without a care, and right then something happened.

Her name is Amara.

Somewhere in the midst of disdain and hate, she found a passion that put a smile on her face. This! This made the decision to turn around and give him a remedy.

Right there, around the corner - on their dinner table the pursuit had a lap
and she looked up and said to his amazement “Hello.”

This was the beginning of the end to his pride.

His name is Ebere.

Written by :
Lolu Sinade.

Wednesday 15 March 2017


Mirror mirror on the wall,
Who's the fairest of them all?
Me of course lol
Hello readers!😀 I am Ogundipe Jesunifemi, CEO and I am here to inspire you.
When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Do you see a reflection of past failures and errors or you see a beacon of hope for tomorrow's future?
When you look in the mirror, who do you see? Do you see a weakling and a step-over or you see a survivor and a conqueror?

Let me ask you this, what's your perception of yourself? when you think of you, what comes to mind? How do you see yourself through your mind's eye? Pause for few seconds, close your eyes and reflect on these questions. If what you saw made you smile then congratulations, you're on the right path but if what you saw made you sad or scared, then you should pay more attention to the next paragraphs.
The Bible records in Luke 11 : 34 :Your eye is the lamp(light) of your body; when your eye is sound and fulfilling its office, your whole body is full of light; but when it is not sound and is not fulfilling its office, your body is full of darkness.
The eyes are the window of the soul so be careful what you see because what you see is what you believe and what you believe is what you become.

You cannot constantly see yourself as a failure and expect to be successful or as a mediocre and expect excellence.You cannot continuous doubt yourself and your abilities and expect to go far in life. I was listening to Bill Winston the other day and he said something that hit me, "WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT GOD DELIVERS". If you see a blessing,  God delivers a blessing but if all you see is doubt then don't expect any blessing. If your expectations are little then your outcome cannot be far from little. What you see is what you get.
I ask again :
What do you see in yourself or rather, how do you see yourself?
What are the things you look at that makes you belittle yourself?
Which mirrors have you been looking at that have been given you a bounce back of wrong reflections?

Perhaps, it's high time you stopped looking at mirrors made with glass and wood and you start looking at The Mirror made of flesh and blood , the mirror of God's word -The Bible.
The Bible is the truest mirror you can ever look into. It is not deceptive like some mirrors that make you look fatter or slimmer. It shows you just the way you are. When you look at the mirror of the Bible, you not only see your true reflection, but also, you see yourself the way God sees you. Your true identity is revealed. Your perception of yourself is renewed automatically, the eyes of your understanding are enlightened and you become so full of light.

In the mirror of God's word, you will always be the fairest of them all because in God's sight, you are the most precious thing He's ever created.
Are you ready to start looking at the right mirror, then get a Bible and start studying day by day. Care to share with us a few experiences of how you've been looking at the wrong mirror?  Kindly leave your comments below. God bless and thanks for reading!


Tuesday 7 March 2017



In the life of every human, it is important to have the knowledge of certain subject matter, not just the knowledge about the subject matter, but the knowledge OF it. Thus, a pilot isn’t just meant to have a knowledge ABOUT how a plane is operated, he must as a matter of fact have a knowledge OF how the plane is operated in order to successfully fly it. This requires deep intimacy and intricate study of the operation and specification of the plane.
Is this not the same principle that applies in the Kingdom of God? The ability of a Christian to experience the fullness of God isn’t in His knowledge about God, but in His knowledge OF God in Christ Jesus. Apostle Paul puts it this way “Grace and Peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord” (2Peter 1:2 NKJV), “I wish you a full measure of grace and peace as you grow in the knowledge of God and of Jesus Our Lord” (The Voice Reader’s Bible), “grace and peace to you many times over as you deepen in your experience with God and Jesus our Master” (Message Translation) so we see that the fullness of our experience of grace and also peace already freely given by God, is determined by our knowledge of or better put, deepening of our experience with God and Jesus, our master.
The question then is, what ultimately marks the difference between knowing about God, and knowing God? Apostle Paul writing to the church in Ephesus having heard of their faith, spoke about the Holy Spirit saying “I am continually speaking to Him (God) on your behalf in my prayers. Here’s what I say: God of our Lord Jesus the Anointed, Father of Glory: I call out to you on behalf of your people. Give them minds ready to receive wisdom and REVELATION so they will truly KNOW you” (Ephesians 1: 16,17). Thus, the knowledge of God only comes by REVELATION by the Holy Spirit. That means at best all a person can have is the knowledge about God and not the knowledge OF God except He has the Holy Spirit indwelling in him having given his life to Christ (Ephesians 1:13,14). Furthermore, a Christian cannot know a certain dimension of God except it is revealed to him by the Spirit of God, the best that can happen without a revelation by the Spirit of God is to know ABOUT that dimension of God which does not translate into an experience for him.
Apostle Paul quoting Isaiah’s prophecy and speaking about the revelation of God’s precious preparation for man says “God has shown us these profound and startling realities through His Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep mysteries of God. Who can see into a man’s heart and know his thoughts? Only the spirit that dwells within the man. In the same way, the thoughts of God are known only by His Spirit. You must know that we have not received the spirit of this rebellious and broken world but the Spirit that comes from God, so that we may experience and comprehend the gifts that come from God” (1Corinthians 2:10-13 The Voice Reader’s Bible). This means that the true revelation of whom God is and all His benefits made available (Healing, Deliverance, Prosperity, Forgiveness of sins) are REVEALED by His Spirit. This underscores the need to consistently engage His Spirit as given to us by Jesus the Christ in our daily lives.
Ensure Today that for the rest of your life, you engage God’s Spirit and submit to His leadings in your daily experiences as this is the Key to the Revelation of whom God is as seen in His word (Jesus). HALLELUJAH
Grace and Peace multiplied
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