Friday 29 January 2016


Hey lovelies. Hope you had a wonderful week? Yes it's Friday and guess what we are talking about? Is it... Nope you guessed wrong, not like I know what you guessed anyway lol but to those who guessed right,  yes,  we are going to be discussing  relationships. Hmmmm...
Yes,  everyone wants a healthy,  steady relationship,  no one wants an unstable fluctuating relationship where today, your facebook status is "In a relationship ",  tomorrow is "Single",  the next day "it's complicated"... Now  that's really messed up and am guessing no one will want to be in that kind of confused relationship but you have to play the role.
Now,  everyone is always talking about what you must do to keep your man or your girl but we often ignore the "don'ts" of a relationship. Yes there are things you necessarily have to do to maintain a relationship but equally important, there are things you shouldn't do as will be discussed below.

1) Don't nag
No one likes to be in a relationship where the other person is constantly complaining or nagging about something all the time. Even if you have reservations about your boyfriend's or girlfriend's behavior or approach to things,  present it in a constructive and loving manner and once you've mentioned it once, you don't have to keep whining about it. Trust your partner to change and be supportive also,  help him see reasons why he/she needs to change and ways to go about it but once you start nagging,  the relationship gets tiring.

2)Don't involve a third party
You have a misunderstanding or issue with your boyfriend or girlfriend,  keep it within the house. Don't wash your dirty linen in public. Your misunderstanding should never erupt into an explosive fight or a dramatic scene in public. The more you involve friends and well wishers in your relationship,  the more your relationship becomes a public affair. Then at some point,  you will just realize you are not just dating your girlfriend but all her friends also because everyone has a say in what was meant to be a relationship between two people.

3) Don't keep tabs
Don't get me wrong on this one,  keep records of the good  things but definitely not the bad ones. Grudges are like slow poisons,  they keep wielding up and up until they finally kill the relationship. Settle your disputes amicably the moment they arise. Talk about it, no one is perfect. The other person may not even know that he/she had offended you. Talk about it,  resolve it and let it end there, you don't have to keep referring to it the next time there is another misunderstanding. Don't keep tabs. Bearing grudges in mind will only tear you guys apart.

4) Don't be Selfish
A healthy relationship entails taking into consideration at all times, note,  not only when it is convenient, the feelings of the other person. In a relationship,  you guys are a team so you have to  engage in some little teamwork like play together, talk together, make decisions together and pray together. Don't always insist on having your way all the time. Sometimes you are right,  other times you are wrong. Learn to give room for other people's opinions and tolerate other's point of view. Also,  put yourself in the shoes of your partner before you say or do anything or react in a particular way to a particular situation.

5) Don't Give up on your relationship
Relationships entail commitments and sacrifices. Every long lasting relationship you see today  has had its rough days but what sustained the relationship was the ability of the partners to endure the pain,  the storm,  the struggles and the hard times and fight for what they believe in - the relationship. A relationship is a whole package,  you cannot enjoy the benefits without enduring the burdens. You have to embrace the whole of it.

I will leave you with these five tips for today. So if you have been that nagging, selfish or public boyfriend or girlfriend,  it's time to step up your game a lil bit and be a more caring,  loving,  compassionate and understanding girlfriend.
I hope you have found this post helpful. For more relationship and dating tips, watch this space and follow us up everyday for a variety of news and enlightening posts. You can subscribe by leaving your email in the available column beside this post or subscribe to the blog by following  on Google+,Ogundipe Jesunifemi. Don't forget to tell a friend to tell another friend to tell tet another friend about Love y'all muchos. Have a lovely weekend:)


  1. I can't agree less. Although I should say that the list is not exhaustive and in fact, no one may ever be able to come up with a list dat will be completely exhaustive. The reason for this, I dare say, is that as parties in a relationship differ, so does the various needs for d relationship to grow. But we could surly use your insight. Great post. Bravo as usual.

  2. Yes I totally agree with you.The list is endless.Thank you so much for sharing your views.

  3. Yes I totally agree with you.The list is endless.Thank you so much for sharing your views.

  4. What do you do when the relationship ended somehow but deep down within you, you want it to continue but the girl involved keeps cutting you off when you try to bring up the issue?

  5. Hey dear, thanks for commenting. Well the as regards your question, if ur ex keeps cutting you off when you try to bring up relationship talk, she is most likely not interested in such anymore. Now there are two options, it's either you move on or you give her time.She might come around, she may just need some sort of re-assurance that she will not be making a mistake by trying again.

  6. Nice piece..Really loved it
