Tuesday 24 January 2017


She was in a dream. The most beautiful dream ever. Her mother was with her in a beautiful garden which had the most brilliantly coloured and exquisite flowers In the world. Her mother carried her in her arms and they passed through the garden admiring the flowers and smelling them one by one. There was so much joy and laughter between them. Suddenly, the clouds turned dark as a heavy storm approached. The garden seemed to loose its life as all the beautiful flowers withered all at once and instead of being surrounded by the exquisite scent of the flowers, a foul smell hung in the air. Her mother felt weaker and weaker but tried to hold on to her daughter. Her strength failed her soon enough because she fell to the ground. Rachel suddenly felt strong hands around her. The touch was familiar, it belonged to her father. He carried her and walked away whispering his familiar words in her ear, "It's okay. It won't hurt". She struggled with him to let her stay with her mother but he didn't budge. She saw her mother crying and felt her own tears come. Her mother's tears became as much as a flood and then she disappeared.

Rachel awoke with a start. She quickly put on her bedside lamp and drew her blanket up to her chin. It was a dream but it had felt so real like her mother had really been there. The pain she was feeling was real and when she touched her cheeks,they were really wet meaning she cried in real life too. After her mother died, seeing her in dreams was a frequent occurrence and they were always happy with each other but this was different. Her mother was sad, extremely unhappy and it was not with her, but with her father. She was extremely shaken and scared. She couldn't run to her father for fear that even if he'd already had her that night, he would still want her again and she desperately needed to talk to someone so she took out her mother's picture  which was in a frame and always sat beside her bed side lamp. She touched the picture. Her mother was smiling and looked so alive in it. She spoke,"Mum, its me. Rachel. Can you hear me?" She continued, "I miss you so much mum. You seemed really unhappy in my dream today. We used to have so much fun. Why were you sad? Did dad hurt you? He misses you so much and that's why he does those things to me." She sighed again. She was speaking to someone who couldn't respond but she continued, "But it frightens me mum, it hurts me a lot but I'll get over it. Just for dad. Just to make him happy cause that's what you want right?"

 She kept talking until a gentle breeze wafted through her windows lulled her to sleep and so she didn't see her mother when she sat beside her and watched her sleep.

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