Saturday 19 December 2015


Hey honeybuns!
I'm here again to discuss something really important - OUR CIRCLES!
By circles, i mean our friends,  peers,  squad,  call it whatever name you wish...
Our circles go a long way in influencing who we eventually become.
Your friends can either make you or mar you.
Your friends either add to you or subtract from you, albeit unconsciously or unknowingly, there is no middle ground.
Choose your friends wisely and it will save you from a lot of trouble. Like they say,  "Evil communication corrupts good manners".
Choose friends that have similar goals as yours, friends that are heading to the same destination with you,  not abstract friends.
Put a boundary between your friends and your acquaintances. Not everyone you know or you talk to is your friend!
Develop your own circle and try and keep it small...
In this world of social media where everyone is telling everybody everything,  it is wise to be discreet!
Gone are the days when a problem shared is half solved,  now, a problem shared becomes a trending topic!
So why not talk to the one that will never disappoint you- God. He is ever eager to hear you out without judging you.
Have a blessed day ahead!

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