Tuesday 10 February 2015


Friends!....those wonderful beings who keep us going๐Ÿ˜„

Friendship is a product of social interaction among people;
As you go through  life, you get to meet people;
From meeting, you get to know them better;
And from knowing each other better, you become friends.
Yes you become friends but it doesn’t just end there;
Friendship entails a lot of things;
Friendship is like a plant;
It has to be well nurtured to grow properly;
There are sacrifices to be made;
There are habits you have to tolerate from each other;
There are attitudes you have to keep up with;
There are times you have to put away your ego and do what seems right;
There are times when you have to be the mature one in handling conflicts;
There are even times when you have to close your eyes to some things and play dumb;
There are times when you feel hurt and disappointed but you overlook and move on;
There are times when you do nothing wrong but you still have to be the first to apologize;
There are times of crisis when you feel like no one is out there for you;
But even in your disappointment and season of pain, you still call them “ friends”;
Not because they deserve it or they are entitled to it;
 But because that is what friendship is all about;
There are the ups and downs;
You have the good and the bad times;
The happy and sad moments;
The joyful and lonely days;
But in the midst of it all;
True friends stick together;
They’ve got each other’s backs;
They take each other’s shit;
And do not allow lil issues come between them;
These  are the ethics of friendship.

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